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Expert Tips on How To Talk to Your Adult Children About Downsizing

Retirement brings a lot of change: You’re no longer working, you have free time to explore your hobbies and interests, and you may gain a new perspective on what you want your life to look like. Like many retired older adults, you may be interested in moving to a senior living community.

You’ll have access to all kinds of amenities and services, health care, and opportunities to socialize. You can also have a maintenance-free lifestyle in a senior living apartment home or villa, where your space is functional, comfortable, and reflects your new relaxed lifestyle.

This big change can be a lot for anyone to process, especially your adult children. Here are some tips on how to have an open and honest discussion with your family members about why you want to move to a senior living community.


Tips on How To Discuss Downsizing With Your Adult Children

Now that you have all the benefits of why downsizing to a senior living apartment home is a great fit for you, here are some tips on how you can talk to your children about your plans.

1. Choose the Right Time and Place

Find a comfortable, relaxed setting where everyone can talk without interruptions. A cozy living room or a quiet coffee shop can be ideal.

2. Start With Your Motivation

Begin by sharing your reasons for considering downsizing. Whether it’s for financial reasons, simplifying your lifestyle, or improving your quality of life, let them know why this decision is important to you.

3. Emphasize the Positive Aspects

Highlight the benefits of downsizing, like having more free time, reducing maintenance responsibilities, and possibly even enjoying a more vibrant social life in a senior community.

4. Involve Them in the Process

Ask for their input and involve them in the decision-making process. This can help them feel included and valued in this important transition.

5. Share Your Plans and Vision

Paint a clear picture of what your downsized living situation will look like. Describe the new space and how it will contribute to your comfort and well-being.

6. Address Their Concerns

Be open to any concerns or questions they may have. Acknowledge their feelings and provide reassurance. This shows that you value their opinion and care about their feelings.

7. Discuss Sentimental Items

If you’re sorting through personal belongings, discuss how you plan to handle sentimental items. Share your thoughts and ask for their input on what to keep or pass on.

8. Highlight How They Can Help

Let them know how they can support you during this process. Whether it’s helping with logistics, emotional support, or offering advice, their involvement can be invaluable.

9. Explore Their Concerns About Visits

If they are worried about visiting, reassure them that your new space will be welcoming and accommodating. Discuss plans for visits and how they can feel at home in your downsized space.

10. Celebrate New Beginnings

Frame the downsizing process as an exciting new chapter in your life. Share your enthusiasm and let them know about the positive aspects you’re looking forward to.

11. Keep Communication Lines Open

Encourage ongoing communication. Let them know they can share their thoughts or concerns at any time, and that you value their support.

Remember, this conversation is an opportunity to strengthen your bond and involve them in an important decision in your life. Approach it with warmth, understanding, and a genuine desire to include them in your journey.


What Are the Benefits of Downsizing?

As you’re discussing downsizing with your children, you can provide information on all the benefits that come with it. When you downsize, you reduce clutter, have organized and manageable spaces, and can easily access or display your treasured possessions so you can enjoy them each day.

Take a look at the other numerous benefits of downsizing for older adults:

Reduced Maintenance

Senior living apartment homes typically require less upkeep compared to larger homes. This can include tasks like lawn care, home repairs, and other household chores.


Senior living apartment homes are often designed with features that cater to older adults, such as grab bars, ramps, and other accessibility features, making everyday life easier if you have mobility challenges.

Safety and Security

Many senior living communities have security measures in place, providing you and your loved ones with a sense of safety and peace of mind. This can include controlled access, security personnel, and emergency response systems.

Social Engagement

One of the best parts of downsizing to a senior living apartment home is that your community offers a built-in social network. You have opportunities to interact with peers, participate in group activities, and form new friendships, which can help combat feelings of isolation or loneliness.

Tailored Amenities

You can enjoy the amenities catered to your interests and needs, such as wellness programs, a library, an arts and crafts studio, and organized outings.

Access to Supportive Services

Many senior living communities provide a range of services, including assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) like bathing, dressing, and medication management. This can provide peace of mind for both you and your family members.

Health Care Access

You’ll have access to on-site health care services or are located near medical facilities, providing convenient access to health care professionals and services.

Improved Quality of Life

You can lead a simplified lifestyle when you downsize, with fewer responsibilities and more time for enjoyable activities and pursuits. This can contribute to an overall improved quality of life.

Financial Considerations

Moving to a senior living apartment home can lead to lower living expenses compared to maintaining a larger home, as it often includes bundled services and amenities.

Opportunity for a Fresh Start

Moving to a senior living community can be a chance for you to have a new beginning, allowing you to embrace new experiences and make positive lifestyle changes.

When you make the transition to a senior living apartment home, you can lead a more comfortable, engaging, and fulfilling lifestyle.

Discover Senior Living at Laurel Circle

Making the move to a senior living community is a big decision for families, but it comes with so many benefits. Laurel Circle is here to help you as you navigate this transition. Contact us at 908-595-6500 to learn more about life in our welcoming community.