LaVerne Miner Spreads Love and Light at Laurel Circle
For 25 years, Laurel Circle has been committed to the wellness of its residents. Programs and services are designed around the “8 dimensions of wellness,” a holistic health methodology that targets the eight aspects of wellness most needed by individuals: social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, vocational, physical, and intellectual, as well as health services.
Among these, spiritual wellness is an often-overlooked factor for overall health. Whether practicing kindness and gratitude or expressing one’s religious beliefs, it is integral to wellness, especially as you age.
Laurel Circle prides itself on diversity, friendliness, and its strong sense of family. “It is a wonderful place for people of differing faiths, political views, and beliefs to come together. Living here gives people the ability to be open, in a close and diverse place, aware of differences in values, but able to talk freely about it,” says LaVerne Miner.
During the 22 years that Miner has resided at Laurel Circle, she has experienced an assortment of classes, services, and demonstrations highlighting these eight dimensions. However, she has always remained passionate about her spiritual wellness.
Having grown up the daughter of a pastor, Miner has always had a deep sense of faith that has continued now that she has r e tired, calling Laurel Circle home. Working with the Ecumenical Committee, administrators, and staff, she has tried to ensure that there are multiple outlets for people to express themselves spiritually or otherwise. “This is not only my passion or interest, but my heartbeat,” adds Miner. “Volunteering my time to work to implement their plans allows me to help fulfill needs and provide for everyone at Laurel Circle.”
The community provides various religious, spiritual, and meditative services to its residents at all levels of care. These services, whether live or on the in-house TV, include guided/mindful meditation classes, Shabbat services, Christian hymn sings, and Ecumenical communion. Residents have opportunities to stream their selected religious services to their TV or iPad if they are unable to attend in person. They also provide daily classes like tai chi, yoga, and rejuvenate fitness for those who find peace of mind through movement.
“In a world full of chaos, Laurel Circle gives us residents the ability to express ourselves freely and discover peace of mind,” ends Miner.
To learn more about the 8 dimensions of wellness and our spiritual wellness programs please visit or call 908.595.6500.