You’re welcome to join us.
We host a variety of entertaining and educational events throughout the year, and we’d love to have you join us. Here’s what’s coming up.

Lunch & Learn – Downsizing & Simplifying Your Life
We are currently at full capacity for this event. If you are interested in attending, please inquire to be placed on the waitlist. If you have RSVP’d prior to Monday, March 20, and have not received a call confirming your reservation, please call prior to Thursday, March 23 to confirm your reservation. Thank you!
Need some inspiration as you start planning for your future? Join us for a special presentation at Maggiano’s to learn all about how choosing Laurel Circle gives you the freedom and opportunity to start your next big adventure through…
• Leaving behind home maintenance.
• Creating new friendships through hobbies new and old.
• Relying on a team managed by Life Care Services®, An LCS® Company, and JD Power award-winning organization.
• Enjoying the peace of mind of a Life Plan Community.
Our guest speaker, Cecilia Beisler, is the owner of A Simpler Life Now, a senior move management company in New Jersey. She has a wealth of experience helping older adults navigate the downsizing and moving process.
To RSVP, call 908-485-7266.