Independence Day Activities for Seniors

As you plan an Independence Day celebration with your family, there may be older individuals you’d like to include in the festivities. There’s no reason to leave them out of the fun. While seniors may be dealing with health problems or life changes, including them in group celebrations helps them feel more connected with friends and family, as well as helps improve their quality of life. With a little forethought, you can plan or adapt Independence Day activities for seniors so family members of all ages and abilities can participate.
Things to Keep in Mind
Be aware that seniors are more affected by temperature and humidity during an outside activity. Help them limit their sun exposure by providing shade or a mister to stay cool. Conversely, if it’s cooler at dusk while watching fireworks outside, have a blanket or jacket on hand in case they feel chilled. Make sure they don’t have to stand by providing a chair that’s a good height, is stable, and has supportive armrests to help them stand or sit. Encourage them to stay hydrated by regularly offering them water or a favorite beverage. If your older loved one has age-related dementia, they might find large crowds and excessive noise exhausting or become overstimulated and agitated. Limit their time in these situations to keep them calm and comfortable.
Be Flexible about Activities
If your older loved one is unable to travel to the celebration, you can bring the celebration to them. Hold the party in their home or backyard — this gives them the option to participate or just watch the fun. Enlist other family members to provide food and decorations, and make sure everything is cleaned up and restored to normal after the party so you don’t create work for your loved one. Think about how you can adapt traditional Independence Day activities to make it easier for them to participate.
Fun on the Fourth
Here are some ideas for Independence Day activities for seniors the whole family can enjoy:
- Get together to make patriotic-themed crafts. Try a red, white and blue wreath for their front door; a patriotic windsock for the patio; or ribbon wands to hand out to children and friends.
- Watch the fireworks on TV together and provide your own color commentary.
- Picnic in the living room with favorite Fourth of July treats like hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon and popsicles.
- Try a sit-down singalong. Find upbeat vintage patriotic songs older family members might be familiar with, such as “Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag,” “This Land is Your Land” or “Yankee Doodle Dandy.”
- Dim the lights, and get red, white and blue snacks out for an afternoon of patriotic movies. “Captain America,” “A League of Their Own” and “An American Tail” are family-friendly and inspiring.
- Play simple card games or board games. Or make your own patriotic bingo cards and provide red, white and blue prizes.
- Set up a tent in the backyard and a place to toast s’mores. It’s a great way to pass the time outdoors, especially if the weather is nice.
We celebrate independence year-round at Laurel Circle. You see, our maintenance-free lifestyle gives our residents freedom to do more of what they love. From social events, clubs, fitness and outings to volunteering and lifelong learning, there’s an almost endless variety of activities where residents express their individuality and interests. Plus, our full continuum of top-quality care on-site is designed to maximize health and independence at every age. Contact us to learn more about our liberating retirement lifestyle, and be sure to check out some of our fun activities on Facebook!